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Game comment:14.07.2003
The sum of all fears
Computer: Pentium 2 with 450 MHz processor
Memory:  128 MB or RAM

This game is a realy cool shootgame.
With cool mission's
Or a lone wolf or a firefight

Cool cheats for the sum of all fears
1.shadow - Ivisible
2.superman - Nobody can kill you
3.teamshadow - for all the team members
4.teamsuperman - for all the team members - Run faster.

Lord of the rings (the fellowship of the rings)
Computer: Pentium 3 with 600 MHz processor
Memory:  64 MB or RAM

This is a adventure game.
With a lot of action.
You've got some difficult levels.
But not all of them are difficult.
You can play with:
Frodo:  Wapens: Rocks, Walking stick, Westernesse Dagger, Sting.
Aragorn:  Wapens: Wooden Arrow, Long Sword, Andúril, Glamdring.
And Gandalf:  Wapens: Sword, Magic.

First you start to play with frodo then aragorn and then gandalf.
Some levels are with 2 persons example: frodo and aragorn.

On the PC version are no cheats available.

The sims
Computer: Pentium 3 with 233 MHz processor
Memory:  32 MB or RAM

The sims is a cool simulation game.
You can make you house's,Sims,and a lot more..
This is a EA Game®

Coole cheats:
--First press shift-cntrl-alt-c then press the cheat--

rosebud - For more money
rosebud;!;!;!;! - more then 1000 simulations(money)
move_objects on - now you can everything.
This are the best cheats.

Computer: Pentium 3 with 500 MHz processor
Memory:  128 MB or RAM

This game ,is another simulation game.
But now you can build your city.
And you can play as god.

This is a EA Game®

For more information about this game go to Simcity®

Chesmaster 7000
Computer: Pentium 2 with 500 MHz processor
Memory:  64 MB or RAM

This game is realy good to learn chess.
I like this game because you've got good help.
It's very easy to play.
No cheats and no info with this game.

Need for Speed (porsche edition)
Computer: No information
Memory:  No information

Need for speed is a realy good race game.
Very easy to control.
But it's very cool because you've got cool cars.
You can paint the cars.
And you can upgrade them to.
But that's cost a lot of money.
First you have to win races to get money.
You can sell your cars.(for more money) It's very cool.....

There are no real cheats. But if you want to have more money you can buy a car.
Upgrade the car.
And sell it.
Do this trick until you have enough money to do a race.

Webmaster : Matrix0x® | Flash/Programmer : No flash programmer at the moment. | Technical Advisor/Scripter : Matrix0x®

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